SaltIt is sometimes hard to believe that such a tiny chemical compound such as sodium chloride (salt) plays an important role in our everyday lives. Salt, or salt –derived products are omnipresent in today’s material world. Not only does it exist in nature, but also in the very cells of our bodies. Due to its chemical and physical properties, there are 14,000 uses of salt that help enhance our quality of life.

Salt has numerous uses such as in food, for winter road safety, for feeding animals and agriculture, for softening hard water, as well as therapeutic and cosmetic uses.

Salt pouring from handsThe history of the use of salt goes back to the Neolithic times, where it was bartered for gold and used as a part of rituals and traditions in many cultures. Salt’s economic and military significance not only helped build partnerships but sparked reason for combat as well. The Romans in Medieval Europe used to be partly paid with salt, which was called salarium, where the word salary was derived from. Salt has partaken in historic events such as the building of the Erie Canal, the French Revolution and the force behind India’s fight for independence from the British reign.

Salt History

The history of the use of salt goes back to the Neolithic times, where it was bartered for gold and used as a part of rituals and traditions in many cultures. Salt’s economic and military significance not only helped build partnerships but sparked reason for combat as well. The Romans in Medieval Europe used to be partly paid with salt, which was called salarium, where the word salary was derived from. Salt has partaken in historic events such as the building of the Erie Canal, the French Revolution and the force behind India’s fight for independence from the British reign.

Salt has numerous uses such as in food, for winter road safety, for feeding animals and agriculture, for softening hard water, as well as therapeutic and cosmetic uses.

Dead Sea Salt

The Dead Sea is located between Israel and Jordan, and it’ sea is mineral rich and very pure. Dead Sea salt has many therapeutic properties and contains high level of natural minerals that is required for our bodies to function as best as they can. These minerals help heal, cleanse and allow are cells to get rid of unwanted toxins.

The following are minerals that are found in the Dead Sea Salt that have therapeutic properties:

Magnesium: This mineral allows the skin tissue to heal quickly and provide the skin’s surface with anti allergic elements. It is also an essential mineral for cell metabolism.

Bromide: This mineral sooths skin, relaxes tense body muscles and calms nerves.

Iodine: Is a mineral that contributes the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and assists in the body’s metabolic exchanges.

Sulfur: A mineral that is considered a disinfectant and is considered a detoxifying agent that works closely with the liver to flush the toxins from the body.

Sodium: Is a mineral that sooths muscle cramps, and alleviates stiffness. It also works as a powerful detoxifying agent that helps the cell preserve nourishment while banishing waste.

Zinc: This mineral is known for protecting the skin against sunburn and windburn as well as to boost the immune system.